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Maksimas Milta

Country Director

Maksimas Milta is a Yale-educated professional with 10 years of experience in democracy promotion, foreign policy analysis, and strengthening civil society. Based in Kyiv, Maksimas is responsible for managing TRP operations in Ukraine, relations with government and international stakeholders, and strengthening the network of national and international partners.

Previously, Maksimas worked for 8 years in the leadership of the European Humanities University, a Belarusian university-in-exile, where he implemented strategic goals in communications, government relations, and development, as well as established a platform for the implementation of universal jurisdiction. For 5 years, he taught college courses on Eastern Europe and Ukraine, including as an assistant to Professor Timothy Snyder.

Maksimas is affiliated with the Eastern Europe Studies Center and the Scholars at Risk Europe. He is a former ReThink.CEE fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States. Maksimas is a frequent commentator on Eastern European affairs for leading regional and international media. In 2021, he hosted an award-winning 10-episode political documentary for the Lithuanian Public Broadcaster and the Current Time TV.

Maksimas holds a Master's degree in European and Russian Studies from Yale, a Master's degree in Political Science from Vilnius University, and speaks 7 languages.

Maksimas Milta
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